MoRPh for Temporary Rivers & Streams
Despite travel disruptions, a well attended and highly successful Temporary Rivers and Streams Meeting 2022 brought together a diverse variety of talks and posters highlighting research that is advancing international and local knowledge of the ecological, hydrological and morphological importance and characteristics of rivers and streams with intermittent flow (Stubbington et al, 2018, Messager et al, 2021) .
We were proud to contribute a poster and lightening talk highlighting adaptations to the MoRPh field survey to help gather physical habitat data and evidence for temporary rivers and streams alongside of NTU PhD researchers who are using the newly updated MoRPh field survey method to record combinations of aquatic and terrestrial vegetation on intermittently wetted channel beds as part of their investigations.

The next Temporary Rivers meeting will be on Tuesday 13th June 2023. Tickets will go on sale 1st Feb 2023 you can set a reminder for the event meanwhile and find out more via: Temporary Rivers & Streams Meeting 2023 Tickets, Tue 13 Jun 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite