As part of the Modular River Survey family of accessible assessment tools to support river improvements, we are open to improving existing and developing new surveys to extend the ability of citizen scientists to survey the physical habitats and hydrogeomorphology of water bodies from source to sea:

Other MoRPh compatible citizen science surveys at the piloting stage include:

  • Mud Spotter – a free and easy to use app-based citizen science survey ideally suited to rainy days! – or times soon after recent downpours. Mud Spotter gathers evidence of fine sediments entering water courses. Following a short basic training, users will get free access to the Cartographer app and database as part of our Open Research suite of citizen science tools. Follow this link to find out more and sign up to start collecting data using Mud Spotter.
  • Wild Invaders – do you want to track progress with tackling invasive species in your local watercourses? Our free Wild Invaders app is now available for tracking problematic plant and animal species appearing in your catchment. Following a short basic training, users will get free access to the Cartographer app and database as part of our Open Research suite of citizen science tools.

Want to design a different type of survey of your own??

Cartographer provides a user-friendly format for gathering, storing and sharing data in a variety of ways to suit your evidence and engagement needs.

Get in touch via our Contact page to find out more about any of our surveys OR designing your own!